Hello World

an image alt text


Hi, my name is Felipe Moreno, i’m a student of systems engineering in the National University of Colombia, I’m currently learning french so the next paragraph isn’t a perfect translation, as you might have read i’m a programmer and a photography aficionado, i have technical skills with ruby, javascript, html and python, i’m quite interested in photography,so if you want to see my photos click on my Flickr icon or my Instagram icon in the bottom of the page. I have also used ruby on rails for a couple of University projects.

I live in Bogotá, Colombia, i have a little thai cat called Isis, she is mi little love. I’m twenty-two years old. I’m quite into movies, my favorite one is V for Vendetta, i know, it’s not the best movie in the entire world, but every time i see Valerie’s letter part my heart breaks a little bit.

I love music, my favorite kind of music is postrock, i think it sounds amazing, it can start slow, but take you to really fast and complex songs, its really great. If you might like to hear a great song, listen to this song by the indie band ‘Looming’, its called ‘Down’ and its so brand new that it hasn’t even released to public on bandcamp or other media for download.


Je m’appelle Felipe Moreno, Je suis etudiant de genie informatique à L’université Nationale de la Colombie. J’ai vingt-deux ans, Je suis Colombien, J’habite à Bogotá à Colombie. Je suis célibataire. Je rêve de voyager a la france pour étudier et connaître. J’aime faire du vélo, J’aime la photographie, J’aime la programmation, J’aime la musique, J’aime le cinema. Mon français n’est toujours pas bon.


Hola, el español es de hecho mi lengua materna, si no has podido entender los otros dos párrafos, un resumen es que me llamo Felipe Moreno, soy un estudiante de Ingeniería de Sistemas y Computación en la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, vivo en Bogotá, Colombia, con mis padres, mis hermanos y mi gata, es parecida a un siamés tradicional pero es mas criolla que yo, sin embargo es preciosa y yo la amo. He trabajado Javascript, Ruby, Python y HTML principalmente, además soy familiar con el framework Ruby on Rails. Tengo 22 años y me encanta la fotografía y montar bici.


Written on September 3, 2017