About me

Hello there, my name is Felipe Moreno, I’m Colombian and i study systems engineering at the National University of Colombia.

I’m 22 years old and I’m in my fifth year at the University, I’ve learned a bunch of stuff but I’m mostly interested in front-end development and visual applications.

My favorite programming languages are:

  • Ruby
  • Python
  • JavaScript
  • HTML

I’ve used the frameworks Ruby on Rails and Angular and I’m quite comfortable with them.

I’ve also worked with languages like:

  • ANTLR for language recognition.
  • Processing3 for small visual applications.
  • Typescript because sometimes JavaScript can be tricky.
  • C++ because sometimes you wanna play god.
  • Assembler for programming a TI-MSP430 LaunchPad.
  • SQL for database stuff.
  • Java i dont like it that much.
  • VisualBasic for Microsoft macros and other stuff.
  • GPSS for modelation.
  • MatLab for convolutional neural networks and signal manipulation.

Some “big” group projects

An application for book publications

As a project for the subject Software Engineering 2, me and some friends made a little system to manage the process of book publication in the Engineering Faculty at the National University of Colombia, it was made using the framework Ruby on Rails for the back-end and Angular2 for the front-end, it has LDAP authentication wich the University uses for logging in any of it’s applications, and some other cool stuff.

An application for light control

For the subject Software Architecture we did a simple application that would ideally control the lights of a house from a web application, it was more a project to understand software architectures and design than an exercise of software development. It was made using Ruby on Rails for the back-end and Angular2 for the front-end, we also used Docker for building and running the application.


Levenshtein distance implementation

I needed to compare a couple hundred text strings so i made, with the help of a friend, a Ruby implementation of the Levenshtein distance algorithm so it could use two CSV files and return list of the most “similar” string from the second file.

More Information

Besides programming i also love a big load of other stuff like:


I’ve always said that i’m better listening to it than making it but I’m actually trying to learn to play the Ukuelele, besides that i took some keyboard and guitar classes when i was like 10 years old.

On the other hand, i like to listen to a lot of music genres and I’m always looking for some new music and i try to listen before i say no to it. My favorite genres are:

  • Indie
  • Alt Rock
  • PostRock

And my favorite bands are:

  • Radiohead
  • The Strokes
  • Keane

If you want, you can check out my Spotify lists here.


When it comes to movies I’m a little more judgy, even when my favorite movie is V For Vendetta (2005) which is not the best movie in the entire world when it comes to direction, or photography or even script, however it brings a lot of strong emotions that i can’t resist.

I’m in love with Tarantino’s movies, i think they are awesome to describe this weird world we live in. Finally a little list of great must-see movies:

  • Pulp Fiction (1994)
  • The Godfather parts I and II (1972 - 1974)
  • Inception (2010)
  • Sin City (2005)
  • Nolan’s Dark Knight Trilogy (2005 - 2008 - 2012)
  • Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004)
  • La la land (2016)
  • Fight Club (1999)
  • Django Unchained (2012)
  • Taxi Driver (1976)


As the little caption below my name says, i’m kind of a photography aficionado, i love taking pictures, specially landscapes, but i’m not afraid to experiment into other aspects like architecture and sometimes even portrait or timelapses

You can check out my Instagram and Flickr profiles in the footer links.


Lately I’ve discovered a certain interest in languages, English isn’t even my “first” language, as a Colombian i speak Spanish but i’ve been learning English for the last 8 years mostly by myself. I’m currently learning French at my University, its a extremely beautiful language but it’s really hard, specially because of all the modes and verbal tenses, on the other side it’s actually pretty organized and have a lot of similar vocabulary to Spanish and English so it’s not the end of the world.

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